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SHAOLIN JAZZ L!VE is a vibe!
Of all the engagements we produce
this is the one that best reflects the innovation and intersections of
Jazz and Hip-Hop.

L!VE is a reinterpretation of selections from our SHAOLIN JAZZ music catalog and other Hip Hop classics performed live by the Sound of the City Band and led by DJ 2-Tone Jones.
The 1st L!VE performance took place on June 25, 2012 at the legendary Blues Alley in Washington, DC. It was the first time the historic jazz venue featured a show headlined by a DJ. Since then we've had the pleasure of performing at the Kennedy Center, B.B. King's Blues Bar in New York and the US Consulate in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

The Ethiopia Edition
Selections from an unforgettable SHAOLIN JAZZ L!VE performance of Hip Hop and Ethio-Jazz at Tropicalia DC in May of 2016.

DJ 2-Tone Jones | Turntables
Antone "Chooky" Caldwell | Bass
Dennis Turner | Bass
Frank Javois | Bass
Mr. Higgz | Keys
Dre King | Keys
Bee Boisseau | Keys
Biscuit Bynum | Drums
Kenny Koonga | Percussion
Joe Herrera | Trumpet
BJ | Sax
Precious Joubert | Vocals
Wayna | Vocals
Allison Carney | Vocals
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